God Loves You

God knows every battle,  every temptation, and every obstacles you will ever face. He has not only put it under your feet, but He has armed you with strength for that battle. You are a warrior, a victor and not a victim. He has already equipped you. You are full of can-do power. Quit telling yourself, this is too much. I can’t handle it. The greatest force in the universe is breathing in your direction. Tap into  more of that power. Start declaring, I can handle this. I am well able. I can do all things through Christ. I am strong in the Lord. Put your shoulders back, look those obstacles in the eye, and say, you are no match for me. I know your end has already been set,  and it’s just a matter of time before God turns it around. It’s just a matter of time before He brings that dream to pass.

God despises a haughty spirit. He would rather us be humble and gracious in all dealings. In our humbleness,  God is able  to lift us up. We don’t have to go around singing our own praises. We should not seek our own glory. So what if we  labor  for years and years with no recognition from the world. If we would go about God’s business in humility, He will make sure that our praises

are sung by others. Our humbleness inspires God to be our Champion, usually  when we least expect it.

Today will never come again.  Be a blessing, be a friend.  Encourage someone.  Take time to care. Let the words heal and not wound. Pay it forward.  It’s about caring and Sharing. It’s about compassion and kindness.  It’s about generosity. It’s about sacrifices and love. You get what you give. So give good.  If it is to encourage,  then give encouragement. If it is giving,  then give generously. If it is to lead, do it diligently.  If it is to show mercy,  do it cheerfully. Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourself fully to the work of the Lord,  because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.