How to Cope with Loneliness?

The year 2020 has turned into an interesting year for a lot of people. Most of us have been in some form of lockdown and isolation since mid-March.

Question? How are you handling the loneliness, the isolation?

I am an introvert, so for me, it has not been that bad. If I am honest…IT HAS BEEN GREAT!!!!! I now have an excuse for not wanting to go to an event or hang out with people that I really didn’t want to hang out with. Shush!!! Don’t tell them!!! This is just a conversation between you and me!!

For those that don’t know about this other side of the personality traits…let me tell you how we think. We enjoy spending plenty of time alone…it is really how we get our energy. People can be draining if you are around them all the time! Uh!!! We do our best thinking alone. We shutdown after too much socializing. Now, don’t get me wrong, we like to be around people, but it is limited, and we prefer small encounters.

But…for you extroverts…I bet you are about to go stark crazy!!!! Unlike the introvert, you get your energy from being around other people. What the heck are you doing to not just go bat crazy?

Here are some sure-fire ways that might help:

  • Meditate….I know some of you are already turned off. Why would you meditate when you are already alone? Meditation helps you to focus on your breathing and while meditating think of the positive in your life. Some people even start a gratitude list to think on the things they are thankful for in the midst of the isolation.
  • For those that can’t see their loved ones in person, try things like Zoom or Facetime. We threw a surprise birthday party for my sister-in-love. It was so cool to see all her family members and friends show up and just celebrate her. She truly loved it and it brought joy to all that were involved.
  • Go for walks. Find a beautiful place to go where there is lots of room to safely distance yourself and just let nature and the scenery help you to unwind and enjoy the moment.
  • If you have photos of places you’ve gone to in the past…pull those pictures out and just remember the good times. Allow yourself to think of the fun you will have when this isolation is over, and you can do these things again. Call up those people that went with you and laugh together.

At the end of the day, find positive things to do to take the focus off the isolation. There are so many things you can do now…work on your vision board, work on all those home projects you have been putting off.

Bottom line…when this season is over, and it will be day, you will be able to look back on it and see all the things you accomplished. You will be able to see all the friendships that are stronger when you get through this storm.

Get to it….because if all you extroverts crack up and leave this world to us introverts…this world will be in trouble. We need both sides. So, hang in there and make this the best isolation party you ever had.

Until next time….