miracle do happen

Miracle Do Happen!

Just before your seed springs forth, just before your miracle happens,  just before your promise is fulfilled…that’s when all hell will seem to break out against you. Just before you experience the fullness of God’s power working in you, that’s when the devil will try to break you.  But while you are waiting,  all the makings of a miracle are growing inside of you. When God restores you, He would do it so that you are suddenly walking in the light and can hardly recall how dark your life has been. When you move into the fullness of your appointment with God’s destiny, you won’t think about your past anymore. You won’t have the time or the inclination to dwell on your failures, your mistakes, your former life. You will be so busy raising up your miracle and living in your blessing, that all the former things in your life will not only be out of your sight and out of your mind, but out of your heart. You will be free.