You are beautiful, You are worthy!

I know you feel the pressure to fit in right now, that the world wants you to look a certain way and be a certain size. But I promise that your happiness isn’t down here. I know you’ve been skipping meals, talking down to yourself and trying so hard to fit in, but self-love isn’t found here. I wish I could hold you and tell you how important it is to love your body now and focus less on what it looks like and more on how to care for it and respect it. I wish I could show you that true friendship and love has nothing to do with how you look and the clothes you wear. Out of all the things that I could say to you, it would be this. Because even though it seems small now, you are worthy of so much and none of that has to do with you nor your outward appearance.  Man looks on the outward appearance. But God looks on the inside.